Recently, WhatsApp website stated that its desktop application built on the Electron platform would be deprecated, indicating the software’s end-of-life phase. For continuing access to WhatsApp website on their desktop computers, Windows users who open the Electron version of the app will now be prompted to switch to the recently released native client. This action is being taken as WhatsApp works to give consumers a robust, stable, and optimised messaging experience on their desktops.
Why WhatsApp Decided to Deprecate the Electron-Based Desktop App
The deprecation of the Electron app was not altogether surprising because WhatsApp website had been informing users via a countdown on the app’s home screen for more than four weeks. After years of operation based on the Electron framework, the Electron-based WhatsAppwebpage desktop application, which has served as a solution for utilising WhatsApp website on desktop devices, formally ends with this announcement.

In order to continue using WhatsApp on their Windows desktops, users will now see an expiration warning when they launch the Electron-based WhatsApp Desktop programme. This message makes it obvious that the app is no longer supported and encourages users to migrate to the new native version. It’s important to note that the native app has been stable since last year, therefore the deprecation only presently affects the Windows version.
The deprecated app made use of the Electron framework, which allowed programmers to build cross-platform desktop applications with web technologies. While it offered cross-platform compatibility, the performance wasn’t always optimised, frequently leading to resource-intensive usage. Native apps, on the other hand, provide a slicker, more user-friendly design, better responsiveness, and increased stability. Consequently, WhatsApp decided to spend money on creating a native solution for its consumers.
However, given that the native Windows application currently lacks some business functions, several customers have expressed discontent with the quick deprecation. whatsapp website Users are unable to use crucial tools for efficient client communication, like quick replies and catalogue management, due to this restriction.

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